Publications 2019
Selected publications linked to the GRAL financed projects:
- Arragain, Benoît, Juan Reguera, Ambroise Desfosses, Irina Gutsche, Guy Schoehn, et Hélène Malet. « High resolution cryo-EM structure of the helical RNA-bound Hantaan virus nucleocapsid reveals its assembly mechanisms ». Elife 8 (2019): e43075.
- Bratanov, Dmitry, Kirill Kovalev, Jan-Philipp Machtens, Roman Astashkin, Igor Chizhov, Dmytro Soloviov, Dmytro Volkov, et al. « Unique structure and function of viral rhodopsins ». Nature communications 10, no 1 (2019): 1–13.
- De Zitter, Elke, Daniel Thédié, Viola Mönkemöller, Siewert Hugelier, Joël Beaudouin, Virgile Adam, Martin Byrdin, Luc Van Meervelt, Peter Dedecker, et Dominique Bourgeois. « Mechanistic investigation of mEos4b reveals a strategy to reduce track interruptions in sptPALM ». Nature methods 16, no 8 (2019): 707–710.
- Decelle, Johan, Hryhoriy Stryhanyuk, Benoit Gallet, Giulia Veronesi, Matthias Schmidt, Sergio Balzano, Sophie Marro, et al. « Algal remodeling in a ubiquitous planktonic photosymbiosis ». Current Biology 29, no 6 (2019): 968–978.
- Desfosses, Ambroise, Sigrid Milles, Malene Ringkjøbing Jensen, Serafima Guseva, Jacques-Philippe Colletier, Damien Maurin, Guy Schoehn, Irina Gutsche, Rob WH Ruigrok, et Martin Blackledge. « Assembly and cryo-EM structures of RNA-specific measles virus nucleocapsids provide mechanistic insight into paramyxoviral replication ». Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 116, no 10 (2019): 4256–4264.
- Desroches-Castan, Agnès, Emmanuelle Tillet, Nicolas Ricard, Marie Ouarné, Christine Mallet, Lucid Belmudes, Yohann Couté, et al. « Bone Morphogenetic Protein 9 Is a Paracrine Factor Controlling Liver Sinusoidal Endothelial Cell Fenestration and Protecting Against Hepatic Fibrosis ». Hepatology 70, no 4 (2019): 1392–1408.
- Felix, Jan, Katharina Weinhäupl, Christophe Chipot, François Dehez, Audrey Hessel, Diego F Gauto, Cecile Morlot, et al. « Mechanism of the allosteric activation of the ClpP protease machinery by substrates and active-site inhibitors ». Science advances 5, no 9 (2019): eaaw3818.
- Floc’h, Kevin, Françoise Lacroix, Pascale Servant, Yung-Sing Wong, Jean-Philippe Kleman, Dominique Bourgeois, et Joanna Timmins. « Cell morphology and nucleoid dynamics in dividing Deinococcus radiodurans ». Nature communications 10, no 1 (2019): 1–13.
- Gauto, Diego F, Leandro F Estrozi, Charles D Schwieters, Gregory Effantin, Pavel Macek, Remy Sounier, Astrid C Sivertsen, et al. « Integrated NMR and cryo-EM atomic-resolution structure determination of a half-megadalton enzyme complex ». Nature communications 10, no 1 (2019): 1–12.
- Kovalev, Kirill, Vitaly Polovinkin, Ivan Gushchin, Alexey Alekseev, Vitaly Shevchenko, Valentin Borshchevskiy, Roman Astashkin, et al. « Structure and mechanisms of sodium-pumping KR2 rhodopsin ». Science advances 5, no 4 (2019): eaav2671.
- Lai, Xuelei, Arnaud Stigliani, Gilles Vachon, Cristel Carles, Cezary Smaczniak, Chloe Zubieta, Kerstin Kaufmann, et François Parcy. « Building transcription factor binding site models to understand gene regulation in plants ». Molecular plant 12, no 6 (2019): 743–763.
- Maity, Sourav, Christophe Caillat, Nolwenn Miguet, Guidenn Sulbaran, Gregory Effantin, Guy Schoehn, Wouter H Roos, et Winfried Weissenhorn. « VPS4 triggers constriction and cleavage of ESCRT-III helical filaments ». Science advances 5, no 4 (2019): eaau7198.
- Marin-Montesinos, Ildefonso, David Goyard, Emilie Gillon, Olivier Renaudet, Anne Imberty, Sabine Hediger, et Gaël De Paëpe. « Selective high-resolution DNP-enhanced NMR of biomolecular binding sites ». Chemical science 10, no 11 (2019): 3366–3374.
- Martin-Arevalillo, Raquel, Emmanuel Thévenon, Fanny Jégu, Thomas Vinos-Poyo, Teva Vernoux, François Parcy, et Renaud Dumas. « Evolution of the auxin response factors from charophyte ancestors ». PLoS genetics 15, no 9 (2019): e1008400.
- Morabito, Christian, Caroline Bournaud, Cécile Maës, Martin Schuler, Riccardo Aiese Cigliano, Younès Dellero, Eric Maréchal, Alberto Amato, et Fabrice Rébeillé. « The lipid metabolism in thraustochytrids ». Progress in lipid research, 2019, 101007.
- Pinto, Dora, Craig Fenwick, Christophe Caillat, Chiara Silacci, Serafima Guseva, Francois Dehez, Christophe Chipot, et al. « Structural Basis for Broad HIV-1 Neutralization by the MPER-Specific Human Broadly Neutralizing Antibody LN01 ». Cell host & microbe 26, no 5 (2019): 623–637.
- Salvi, Nicola, Anton Abyzov, et Martin Blackledge. « Solvent-dependent segmental dynamics in intrinsically disordered proteins ». Science advances 5, no 6 (2019): eaax2348.
- Stigliani, Arnaud, Raquel Martin-Arevalillo, Jérémy Lucas, Adrien Bessy, Thomas Vinos-Poyo, Victoria Mironova, Teva Vernoux, Renaud Dumas, et François Parcy. « Capturing auxin response factors syntax using DNA binding models ». Molecular plant 12, no 6 (2019): 822–832.
- Vassal-Stermann, Emilie, Gregory Effantin, Chloe Zubieta, Wim Burmeister, Frédéric Iseni, Hongjie Wang, André Lieber, Guy Schoehn, et Pascal Fender. « CryoEM structure of adenovirus type 3 fibre with desmoglein 2 shows an unusual mode of receptor engagement ». Nature communications 10, no 1 (2019): 1–7.
- Volbeda, Anne, Ma Teresa Pellicer Martinez, Jason C Crack, Patricia Amara, Océane Gigarel, John T Munnoch, Matthew I Hutchings, Claudine Darnault, Nick E Le Brun, et Juan C Fontecilla-Camps. « Crystal Structure of the Transcription Regulator RsrR Reveals a [2Fe–2S] Cluster Coordinated by Cys, Glu, and His Residues ». Journal of the American Chemical Society 141, no 6 (2019): 2367–2375.
The list of the 143 publications mentionning the GRAL Labex, ANR-17-EURE-0003 and/or ANR-10-LABX49-01, listed by alphabetical order, is available here.