Jip Wulffelé works at the Institut de Biologie Structurale.
Her project: Manipulating fluorophore photophysics to boost single-particle tracking photo activated localization microscopy (spt-PALM)
Hello, I am Jip from The Netherlands. I am a PhD student at IBS since october 2020, working in the PIXEL team under the supervision of Dominique Bourgeois on the manipulation of the photophysical behaviour of fluorescent proteins (FPs) to increase the track length in single particle tracking photoactivated localization microscopy (sptPALM).
Before I started my PhD, I studied biology and biomolecular sciences in the Netherlands, where I gained a strong interest in fluorescence microscopy. During my bachelor internship at the Vrije Universiteit in Amsterdam, I characterized the behavior of FPs in yeast and was amazed by the diversity in photochromic behavior displayed by FPs. In my following internships at the Netherlands Cancer Institute (NKI) and Leiden University Medical Center (LUMC) I used diverse microscopy techniques to monitor signaling along the IP3-IP3R-Ca2+ pathway and visualize complement regulation by pentraxins.
After work I like to go to the CrossFit or read a book. The best things about Grenoble for me are the food and mountains. I am definitely planning on learning to ski during the coming 3 years!