Jip Wulffelé

Jip Wulffelé

Jip Wulffelé works at the Institut de Biologie Structurale.   Her project: Manipulating fluorophore photophysics to boost single-particle tracking photo activated localization microscopy (spt-PALM) Hello, I am Jip from The Netherlands. I am a PhD student at IBS since...
Lenette Frøsig Kjær

Lenette Frøsig Kjær

Lenette Frøsig Kjær works at the Institut de Biologie Structurale.   Her project: Structure, dynamics and assembly of super-scaffolding complexes in MAPK cell signaling Hello, I am Lenette from Denmark. I am a PhD student at the Grenoble Institute of Structural...
Vaitson Çumaku

Vaitson Çumaku

Vaitson Çumaku works at the BioSanté lab (Biology and Biotechnology for Health).   His project: Structural characterization of engineered Virus Like Particles using nanoresonator-based mass spectrometry Hello there! My name is Vaitson Çumaku and I am a PhD student at...