Hassan Hijazi works at the Laboratoire Biologie et Biotechnologie pour la Santé – BioSanté. His project: Altered dynamics of acylations of histone H3 Lysine 27 (H3K27): a mechanism contributing to transcriptional dysregulation in Huntington’s disease?...
Andrea Pinto works at the Institut de Biologie Structurale. Her project: Molecular and structural investigations of the complement C1 complex interactions with IgMs Hello! My name is Andrea Pinto. I am from India and I am a PhD student at the Institut de...
Rory Munro works at the Institut de Biologie Structurale. His project: Photo-activation mechanism of OCP studied by time-resolved serial crystallography and NMR spectroscopy Hi, I am Rory from the United Kingdom. I am a PhD student at Institut de Biologie...
Support for Scientific Events GRAL supports the organization of scientific days, seminars, workshops, etc, co-organized by researchers from the GRAL labs (BGE, BioSanté, IBS, LCBM, and LPCV), with focus on Integrated Structural Cell Biology. Financial support from...