GRAL was selected for funding as a Laboratoire d’excellence (Labex) through the “Investissements d’avenir” programme of the French government in 2011. GRAL’s funding has been extended until 2028 through the Chemistry, Biology and Health Graduate School of Université Grenoble Alpes.
The project is at the interface between structural and cellular biology, and is multidisciplinary by nature. Scientists, research staff, and students conduct forefront and innovative research in structural biology, cellular biology, integrative biology, plant biology, nanobiology, pathogenic-host interactions, cancer biology, molecular chemistry…

GRAL’s priorities are to decipher and integrate knowledge on the structure and dynamics of biological molecules and their function in the cellular context, in space and time.
The integrated approaches to address biological questions at different scales of resolution, analyzing their dynamics and function in vitro and in vivo model systems, will provide important results for basic science and will open up new opportunities in health, environment, and biotechnologies.

GRAL PhD Scholarships 2025
Call for PhD student applications In the framework of the Chemistry Biology Health Graduate School of Université Grenoble Alpes, the GRAL research programme funds PhD scholarships at BGE, BioSanté, IBS, LCBM, and LPCV. The following 6 PhD projects have been...
Carmen Coirry
Carmen Coirry works at Bioscience & Bioengineering for Health (BGE) at CEA. Her project: My research focuses on cell growth, proliferation and deubiquinating enzymes. . Hello ! I am Carmen Coirry from Rennes, France. I am currently a PhD student at the BGE lab at...
Maria Davila
Maria Davila works at Institut de Biologie Structurale (IBS) in the Dynamop Group. Her project: Structural Dynamics of the newly discovered family of B12 photoreceptors as studied by time-resolved cryo-EM. My name is Maria, and I am from the Venezuelan Andes. I...